1. Blowouts. Did you know that women pay for other women (or gay men) to wash and blow dry their hair on day's like, oh I don't know, Tuesday? Turns out they are called "dry bars" and they specialize in blowouts. Sounds completely ridiculous right? WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. If I was rich I would get 2 blow outs a week and never wash my own hair. Since I'm not rich I'm going to settle for 2 a month. It's amazing how much better I feel after I just left the salon. My favorite (because it's close to work and cute) is http://hauteairsoho.com/. Check them out.

2. The High Line. I'm so pissed I found the High Line now that it's cold and not when I first got here in June. I foresee myself spending many an hour when spring comes with a book, a nice big water bottle full of water-grigio and people watching until the cows come home. http://www.thehighline.org/
3. Eataly. The first time I walked into Eataly I turned around and walked right back out; It was too much to take in. But now I've been a few times and feel like I own that place. It's my go-to for when I have guests in town--love the wine & cheese area and I also love the quick panini station. http://eatalyny.com/
4. Dance Class. Oh yes...I dance. Sometimes I even dance well. Back in Nashville my dance routine consisted of every Tuesday night from 6:15-7:15 but in NYC there's a dance class available pretty much any time of day at a couple different studios. Mostly the teachers are amazing but sometimes a little bitchy. Apparently my hip hop style isn't "tired and hungry" enough according to the instructor I take from the most...Bev Brown

(http://www.broadwaydancecenter.com/faculty/bios/brown_bev.shtml). Little does she know that pretty much 24/7 I'm both tired and hungry.
So these are 4 great things I'm digging about NYC right now. I could make a list double that of things I would trade in a heartbeat but I'm on this whole positivity kick so I'll spare you the whining.
You're killing me. God, what I'd give for us to live in NYC at the same time.