1. Blowouts. Did you know that women pay for other women (or gay men) to wash and blow dry their hair on day's like, oh I don't know, Tuesday? Turns out they are called "dry bars" and they specialize in blowouts. Sounds completely ridiculous right? WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. If I was rich I would get 2 blow outs a week and never wash my own hair. Since I'm not rich I'm going to settle for 2 a month. It's amazing how much better I feel after I just left the salon. My favorite (because it's close to work and cute) is http://hauteairsoho.com/. Check them out.

2. The High Line. I'm so pissed I found the High Line now that it's cold and not when I first got here in June. I foresee myself spending many an hour when spring comes with a book, a nice big water bottle full of water-grigio and people watching until the cows come home. http://www.thehighline.org/
3. Eataly. The first time I walked into Eataly I turned around and walked right back out; It was too much to take in. But now I've been a few times and feel like I own that place. It's my go-to for when I have guests in town--love the wine & cheese area and I also love the quick panini station. http://eatalyny.com/
4. Dance Class. Oh yes...I dance. Sometimes I even dance well. Back in Nashville my dance routine consisted of every Tuesday night from 6:15-7:15 but in NYC there's a dance class available pretty much any time of day at a couple different studios. Mostly the teachers are amazing but sometimes a little bitchy. Apparently my hip hop style isn't "tired and hungry" enough according to the instructor I take from the most...Bev Brown

(http://www.broadwaydancecenter.com/faculty/bios/brown_bev.shtml). Little does she know that pretty much 24/7 I'm both tired and hungry.
So these are 4 great things I'm digging about NYC right now. I could make a list double that of things I would trade in a heartbeat but I'm on this whole positivity kick so I'll spare you the whining.